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unha noite

na eira do trigo

unha noite portada web_edited.jpg

Where does the echo begin?

What makes a work timeless?

the Myth?

"I thank you for the affection and interest you show for this miserable work of mine unworthy of the enormous celebrity attained, which makes it eternally young, while its author ages more and better, without finding the source of Catanas that rejuvenates him."

"[The Song]

... is very popular among Galicians, because Mr. Cesáreo Alonso Salgado composed a very beautiful muiñeira for it, which we heard for the first time on our way to the Oriente [1890] and we heard it again later in American lands [1896] ..."

Marquis of Sabuz

Sting y Curros Faro de Vigo-9.jpg
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